Public Works

The Public Works Department is service-orientatedand staffed and operated for the primary purpose of serving both the citizens and the other internal departments of the City while maintaining working relationships with agency partners such as Pinellas County Public Works, Pinellas County Utilities, Forward Pinellas, and municipal partners.

The Public Works Department at full staff has three full-time employees consisting of the Public Works Supervisor and two operation workers. The City of Belleair Bluffs has nine miles of streets, five major storm sewer systems and a small pond that serves as retention for fifty-two acres that surround the city (including parts of Town of Belleair and City of Largo). Pinellas County assists in the areas of traffic control signals while Duke Energy assists with streetlight outages.

The Public Works Department is responsible for all National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and inspections, right-of-way inspections, sidewalk and roadway inspections. This department works very closely with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office to enforce code violations.

Physical Address: 2693 Bayway Avenue Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770

Phone: 727-584-2151, ext. 105

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:00 pm


Public Works maintains all city owned streets, sidewalks and alleyways. Report potholes and other issues to Belleair Bluffs' Public Works Department.


Public Works manages and maintains all storm water runoff throughout the City.


The Capital Improvements Plan illustrates the City’s construction projects over the next five (5) fiscal years. If a road is not marked, it has either already been completed or is not slated for construction over the next five (5) fiscal years. The Capital Improvement Plan is included in the final adopted annual budget on the last page.


The City of Belleair Bluffs has contracted with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for code enforcement services. The city currently contracts one deputy on a part-time basis to conduct code enforcement, issue warnings and citations, and provide additional support to our day shift deputies. If you would like to report a code violation,
please call (727) 584-2151, press 1 or email

**Effective July 1, 2021, Florida state statutes prohibit anonymous complaints. Informants must provide their names and addresses in order for code enforcement deputies or city staff to conduct such investigations.

Contact Us Today: (727)584-2151

5 days a Week From : 8:30 am to 4:30 pm